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Investor Pitch Desk

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Pitch Deck, in simple words, is the summarized version of the business plan. A pitch deck follows a format called a template and is in ppt format. (may also be made on keynote or prezi) A pitch deck has to be precise, it must only highlight the most important points from a business plan since there’s a limited time frame in which the presenters must convey their basic idea.

A pitch deck template includes a very quick introduction, revolving around the idea of the business. The same idea description then progresses as you mention how it was created by defining the issue it will address. At this point, mention and credit everyone behind the idea. Moving on to describe how your idea is versatile and its working is unique or different from the other competitors in line. This leads you in describing your marketing tactics and a brief description of the target market. A practical example of financial models through aimed revenues shows a mature forecast of the expectations from the idea. Towards the end, a backup plan or an alternative for the problem in question may be introduced. This brings us to the last part which explains the budget required, which is what will help investors make their final decision. In that case, you must leave the contact details at the very end.


Considering desire as primary motivation for the generatio.

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