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Press Release

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It’s fair to say that even if you aren’t well informed about what a press release actually is, it still constitutes a high proportion of your daily routine; especially, if you’re a least bit concerned about the news. A press release is that piece of write up which is drafted and then presented to be announced containing any professed current news details which you might deem necessary as well. From a company/ business’s point of view, this could mean an announcement of a product release or an event.

Often at times, a difference of opinion on how worthy a press release is becomes the reason for it to go unnoticed or unattended to. It is important that you must be updated about the latest trends and must follow it painstakingly to polish your press release. This part becomes fairly easy if you start with creating a rough draft keeping in mind the five W’s and the one H. This puts forth a complete picture and the next step is to follow its lead in making a final write up. The only thing challenging is when your creativity is put to test. Your press release must be entirely catchy for the journalist or any directed audience for that matter. As much as an on spot format helps in this process, the precise yet catchy phrases have no match.

Academia Pro aims at drafting press releases keeping in mind the basic techniques to polish the press release, such as catchy headlines, to the point paragraphs, correct format, free of grammatical errors, precision etc and at all times remembering that, “he who wants to persuade should put his trust not in the right argument but the right word. The power of sound has always been greater than the power of sense”- Joseph Conrad


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